Monday, February 27, 2012

Menu Plan Monday

I know I have mentioned this before, but I have really started liking how menu planning on Sunday seems to set the "organized" mood for the whole week.  It's almost like "It's one more thing that I really don't have to worry about."  The only thing I have to remember is to take stuff out of the freezer about two days before we need it.  Done.  (I usually take two days worth of meals out at a time.)  Without further ado, here's this week's menu:

Monday:  Leftovers for Frank, I will likely eat out tonight.
Tuesday:  Pizza Casserole
Wednesday:  Ham and Cheese Hawaiian Rolls, French Fries
Thursday:  Sweat and Sour Meatballs, Mashed Potatoes, Salad
Friday:  Chicken Salad Sandwiches
Saturday:  Grilled Pork Chops, Mac and Cheese
Sunday:  You're On Your Own


  1. Sweet and Sour Meatballs sound delicious.

    1. Oh, it is! It is super easy and cheap, too! It is my great-aunt's recipe. I plan to post it on the blog soon. Thanks for the comment!
